Terms & Conditions

Read our legal terms and conditions

Specific Terms and Conditions – Company Registration

These Specific Terms and Conditions apply to transactions made through the wamo website at www.wamo.io and any subsidiary pages. They must be read and agreed to in full, together with the General Terms and Conditions for the UK https://wamo.io/terms-and-conditions/united-kingdom/ which apply to any agreement between us and your use of the Website in general.

1. Definitions

"wamo", "wamo.io", "we", “us”, “our” or "ourselves" means Wamo Technology Limited, registered in England and Wales under company number 11232236. Our registered office is TECHNIQUE BUILDING 132-140 GOSWELL ROAD, UNIT 3, LONDON, EC1V 7DY. Our VAT number is GB 335 2403 32.

2. wamo company formation services

2.1. Limitation of liability By purchasing a company formation from wamo, you are granting us the right to file with Companies House, as an authorized person for and on behalf of the Company, the statutory forms required to implement the company formation service you agree to take under this agreement. Please note that we will ask you to provide proof of identity - provision of the company formation service will be subject to receipt of this information.

2.2. Special Limitation of Liability We do not accept any liability of whatever nature for errors or omissions in the company formation information you submit through our Website or for any such company formation application that Companies House subsequently rejects. If Companies House rejects your company formation application, you will not be entitled to a refund for any services purchased from wamo.

We do not accept any liability should your company be struck off and removed from the Register for any reason that is not within our control or following the cancellation or expiry of the services you agree to take under this agreement should your company fail to meet its statutory requirements following our actions to file the requisite forms to notify the termination of such services. It is your responsibility to ensure that any company name you choose is available for registration and can be lawfully used by you. We accept no liability for your choice of name or any problems arising from your choice of a company name.

2.3. Requirements for the use of our incorporation services No persons under 16 can register limited companies or limited liability partnerships in the UK. The minimum age requirement for directors, company secretaries, and LLP members is 16 years. Individuals not meeting this legal minimum may only hold shares in private companies limited by shares. Any undischarged bankrupt person is prohibited from registering a limited company in the UK and being appointed as a director or company secretary. Undischarged bankrupts may only hold shares in private companies limited by shares. Any persons currently named on the Disqualified Directors Register may not register a limited company or limited liability partnership - any disqualified director whose ban has not yet been served in full is not permitted to act as a company director, company secretary, or LLP member unless permission is granted from the appropriate Court. Such individuals may only hold shares in private companies limited by shares. We are not responsible or liable for any rejection of incorporation or problems arising due to the appointment of any persons not meeting the legal requirements for company formation. You are responsible for ensuring all persons named on the company formation application are eligible to hold their respective positions.

2.4. Ordering our products and services You are presented with a range of choices during the ordering process. You must ensure you read and fully understand these choices before proceeding with any purchase. Should you have any queries regarding our products and services, or any aspect of your order, we strongly recommend that you contact us during our usual UK business hours before proceeding with any purchase. While we endeavor to respond promptly to your inquiry, we cannot guarantee to do so in every instance. Therefore, your responsibility remains to elicit further information from us regarding the product you intend to order before the order is placed. All orders you place through this Website have been deemed an offer by you to purchase the products and services we supply, subject to these Terms and Conditions and our acceptance of the order. We may reject any order without disclosing our reason for doing so. We only provide services because you have given us full and proper instructions and the authority to carry out those instructions lawfully. You ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide, and you accept all liability for rejecting any services or documents due to inaccuracies or incompleteness. We do not accept any liability of whatever nature for errors or omissions in documents that are uploaded, or not uploaded, to our website by you or for any such records which Companies House subsequently rejects. Where orders are made for our Pre-Submission Review, this review will not extend to reviewing or inspecting documents uploaded to our website - it is your responsibility to ensure completeness, compliance, and accuracy of all such documents before their submission. By accepting these terms and conditions, you are authorizing us to file with Companies House as an authorized person for, and on behalf of, the company, the statutory forms required to implement the services you agree to take under this agreement for the entire term of the contract. If said services are canceled, terminated, or shall expire due to failing to make the required payment, you authorize us to file the statutory forms required to terminate these services. The statutory forms that we reserve the right to file include, but are not limited to, AP01, AP02, AP03, AP04, TM01, TM02, SH01, AD01, AD02, CH01, and CH02. We are regulated by the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019. Accepting these Terms and Conditions grants us the authority to carry out a digital ID verification check by CreditSafe or a similar organization to check your identity and address. This online check may be recorded on your credit record, and the search history will be retained. Should we not be able to successfully verify your identity and address using our digital ID verification process, we will require you to provide proof of your identity and address in the form of certified copies of the original documents to satisfy our Anti-Money Laundering procedures. Failure to comply with any request for such documents may result in the cancellation of services. For further information, please read our https://wamo.io/terms-and-conditions/united-kingdom/ As a Company Service Provider, we are responsible for carrying out due diligence checks from time to time on our customers (companies, officers, and shareholders) to whom we provide ongoing services. Should any of our bills result in the discovery of illegal or unethical activities, we reserve the right to terminate services without notice and a refund. We also have an obligation to meet the requirements of Know Your Customer (KYC), and you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire on your company's business activity or activities and the reason for your business relationship with wamo. Our services are not available for purchase where the end user is a Scottish Limited Partnership (Scottish LP). All such purchases will be refunded, and the services will not be set up. By purchasing a service(s), you agree to supply us with the company’s authentication code. Where we do not have this code, we request it from Companies House. A company to whom we are supplying our services without an authentication code may have its services canceled due to our inability to carry out compulsory annual monitoring by the Money Laundering Regulations. Any services canceled for this reason shall not be entitled to a refund.

2.5 Incorporation process wamo is a specialist online company formation agent. We use secure electronic filing facilities from Companies House - the UK Registrar of Companies. By registering a company through us or authorizing us to file information on your behalf, you accept that all data will be submitted to Companies House via this electronic filing facility. Provided you have complied with the formalities necessary to register a company through us, Companies House will generally complete the incorporation of your company within approximately 3 to 5 working hours (Monday - Friday, 9 am-5 pm). However, in some cases, it could take up to 24 hours - dependent on Companies House workload. We have no control over this process; therefore, it may take longer than the usual processing time of 3 to 5 working hours. We offer no guarantee that your company application will be approved on the same business day you make your order. Suppose your company must be incorporated the same day you complete your order. Suppose we cannot submit a company application to Companies House because you have omitted information, provided incorrect information, or we require further information to allow us to do so. In that case, we will attempt to contact you multiple times to obtain the information required to submit your company application to Companies House. Should we not manage to rectify this matter within seven calendar days of your order being placed, we reserve the right to remove your company application information from our system after this time.

3. What will you receive upon incorporation

3.1 Company registration service Upon notification from Companies House of successful incorporation, your new limited company or limited liability partnership will be ready to trade immediately. You will receive a Certificate of Incorporation and other company formation documentation and services described within the incorporation package you purchased on our Website.

3.2 Optional additional products and services In addition to the formation of the company and the company documents described above, you may optionally order additional products and services through wamo, depending upon the incorporation package you choose. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Registered office service

  • Service address

  • Business address

  • Business bank account These products and services may be added to your company formation package before incorporation or purchased after incorporation for an existing company.

4. Services we do not provide with any product

Our services do not include any of the following in respect of any of the packages and products we offer for sale on our Website:

  • Accountancy advisory services

  • Tax advice

  • Auditing of your books

  • Filing of annual accounts - excluding dormant company accounts (DCA)

  • Legal advice

  • Advice regarding the suitability or adequacy of any company you may purchase from us for your intended purposes.

  • Any other services not expressly mentioned. We strongly recommend you seek independent advice before registering a company through us. If you have not yet taken such advice, we advise you not to proceed with any purchase until you do so.

5. Conditions of our company address services

Registered Office Services are provided by our third party provider Registered Office (UK) Limited (or such other provider as shall replace it from time to time) and subject to their terms and conditions, which are entered into by you directly with Registered Office (UK) Limited. We are not liable for any loss, damage or injury resulting from your contract with Registered Office (UK) Limited for the provision of Registered Office Services.

6. Changes to goods and services

The price of any goods or services you may purchase from us is set out under the option you select on our Website. Unless otherwise stated, all prices exclude VAT at the prevailing rate on the date of purchase.

The total purchase price, including VAT (if any), will be displayed in your shopping cart before you confirm the order. We reserve the right to update the prices on the Website of any products or services without prior notice or explanation. Every effort is made to ensure that all prices are correct; however, in the event of serious error, any transaction shall be voided by us, entitling you to a full refund.

We reserve the right to update, amend, or withdraw our website's products and services without prior notice or explanation. We shall not be liable to anyone for withdrawing or amending any of the products we sell or for refusing or failing to process an order.

7. Continuous payment authorization

Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions means you are granting us continuous payment authority of the card used to purchase the original service (or an alternative one, if supplied) for the following:

  • Renewable services - fees due will be processed on the card initially used to purchase the service (or an alternative, if supplied) on the expiry date. Notice will always be given in advance of the expiry date of our intention to take payment, and you will have the right to cancel the service.

  • Mail forwarding services - the cost of postage and handling fees will be taken on the card used to purchase the service (or an alternative if supplied) but will be processed automatically every month. Your total price will include the product's price plus any applicable VAT (in effect on the day of purchase).

8. Fraud prevention

Accepting these Terms and Conditions means you authorize us to undertake a search by CreditSafe or a similar organization to verify your identity and address. To do so, CreditSafe or a similar organization may check the details you supply against any particulars on any database (public or otherwise) to which they have access. They may also use your details in the future for verification purposes to assist other companies. A record of all searches will be retained.

9. Refund policy

9.1 Company formation orders Refunds cannot be given for the company formation package or any parts of the company formation package once the company application has been submitted to Companies House, even if your company formation is rejected.

9.2 Address service orders In the event you purchase a company address service (registered office, service address, or business address/mail forwarding service) but change your mind; If we have not already processed your order and set up your address service(s), you will be entitled to a refund of all monies paid to us, provided the notice to cancel is given within 14 calendar days of the purchase date. A refund will not be given for cancellation requests after 14 calendar days from the date of purchase.

9.3 Additional products and services No refund will be provided if we require canceling an additional product or service due to a failure to supply proof of ID and proof of address as required by our terms and conditions to ensure we fulfill our obligations regarding the current Anti-Money Laundering regulations and Know Your Customer requirements.

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